Naufalino Fadel

Passionate Problem Solver

About Fadel

The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.

My aspiration is to bring benefits to as much people as possible. Innovation and technology are the path I believe will bring me towards the goal.

My full time focus is being Product Manager in where we are developing an investment platform that is easy to use for anyone who want to start investing. I believe anyone deserve better future and investing is one way to achieve the future we wanted, financially.

Being curious, I like to learn and get to know about many things including business strategy, digital technology, any kind of engineering (electronics, software, mechanical to name a few), management, physics, etc.
To sum up I am a : Learner. Aspiring physicist. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Engineer. Product guy. Hustler. Husband. Human. In that sequences.

News & Timeline

    • Oct | Speaker on Product Management Mini Bootcamp by Binar Academy. Presented on topic "How to Build Product Requirement Document"
    • Jun | Speaker on Business Pitching at Rumah Muda Inspirasi Bootcamp
    • Feb | Speaker on Introduction to Project Management at Inventra, event organized by ITB students
    • Jan | Joining as Product Manager
    • Jan | Muslim Hackfest by OpenUmma being held. More than 140 participants submit their innovation ideas and more than 250 people attended its series of webinars. I helped as secretary general.
    • Oct | Initiated OpenUmma. Getting started on Muslim Hackfest project.
    • Aug | Married with the girl of my dream
    • Apr | Joining Traveloka. Working on Product Management
    • Apr | Neuratraffic was shortlisted for Bandung Datathon 2019 final. It was organized by Bandung City Government in collaboration with the City of Melbourne, Bloomberg Philantrophies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), School of Business and Management ITB, The Greater Hub, and Go-Jek.
    • Feb | Neurafarm got selected as Top 10 in ALIPAY-NUS Enterprise Social Innovation Challenge
    • Jan | Stepping down from CEO and became COO of Neurafarm.
    • Nov | Represent Neurafarm at Asian Entrepreneurship Awards in Japan
    • Aug | Launched Neurafarm Social Venture Challenge. Neurafarm curated and funded social venture that brings impact in agriculture industry. We funded pilot project of Kintamani coffee farm plantation in Bali.
    • Oct | Neurafarm won 2nd place in Startup Istanbul Competition. News
    • Aug | Represent Neurafarm at Swiss Innovation Challenge Asia-Indonesia. We won 1st place. It is an innovation competition held by University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland in collaboration with School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
    • Aug | Co author of paper Design and Development of Tube Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Published on International Conference of Intelligent Unmanned System (ICIUS). Link
    • Mar | Neurafarm won gold prize on World Invention and Technology Expo (WINTEX) held by INNOPA.
    • Feb | Neurafarm received grant funding from Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
    • Feb | Neurafarm awarded as 3rd winner of Business Plan Competition in the 7th University of Indonesia Studentpreneurs
    • Jan | Completed and launch We bring digital breakthrough to rental system that had been going on for more than twenty years in our organization by making it available online.
    • Nov | Selected as Young Leaders for Indonesia Regional Wave 5 participant. YLI is a leadership program organized by McKinsey & Company.
    • Aug | Co Founded Neurafarm and became its CEO
    • Oct | Aksantara won Best Design and 2nd winner on Indonesia Aerial Robotic Contest, Technology Development. We built folding wing tube launched unmanned aircraft which was the first in Indonesia and one of the first in the world. My role was avionics engineer.News
    • Jan | Won Smart City Robot Innovation Contest, organized by LPIK ITB
    • Nov 2016 | Aksantara won 2nd winner on Indonesia Aerial Robotic Contest, Technology Development. We built hybrid vertical take-off landing (VTOL) UAV. My role was avionics engineer. News
    • Jun 2015 | Co founded Scientia Indonesia and became its CEO
    • May 2014 | Bronze medal on Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO). Link